Wednesday, September 19, 2018


I'm kind of in a grey spot when it comes to if Demassification is a good thing or bad thing for a company. To recall from class, demassification is when a widely broadcasted company coverts their focus to a niche audience. It's kind of good thing in a way but can add some consequences.

So say you're a news company and you bought all these other companies and have created a conglomerate business. You decide that after a while of distributing news, franchise and services you want to focus towards something specific, like a sports audience.

It's not a bad thing to focus on sports. It can bring you two main things, one good and bad. The good thing would be you'd be making a lot of money off sports franchise since a huge percentage of our population is all about sports.

Though the bad side of this would be that just focusing on sports would mean there isn't much room for other unique things like you wouldn't do much with the business unless you partnered but most of the time that doesn't always last. But for the most part, it's a good decision to do, because you could make a lot of money, if not more money, by converting to a demassified business.

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