Wednesday, October 31, 2018

72 Hours of Hell Response

Over the past few days over the weekend, we've had a lot of intense news over the weekend. Having to do with the Kroger Shooting, the pipe bombs incident, and the Synagogue Shooting. When we got into second period, and Mr. Miller said we were all going to meet together in the same room, I was a bit surprised.
Even though I knew kind of what it was going to be like, I was kinda shocked by the reaction the J & C teachers gave us. Certainly, these events should not go unmarked or unnoticed like an old news story. It made me wonder what we could do as journalists instead of standing by and just documenting and informing but turns out that we can do more with those skills.
We need to state our opinions more and the real facts so we can both tell the people that something is definitely wrong.
I just kind of wanted to say something about that second period because it was very eye-opening, and broadens the purpose of journalism, which I'm very glad that Mr. Miller and Mrs. Palmer decided to do this because it was extremely helpful.

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